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The Best Dental Health And Safety Tips

The Best Dental Health And Safety Tips

An individual, on an average, spent 32,098 hours of their lifetime just for eating and drinking beverages. But how often do they pause to think about or to thank the ones, who make it all possible- the teeth. And of course the platform, they all are attached, that is the gum.

Today, we will discuss 5 simplest health and safety tips to keep dental organs healthy:

1. Brushing regularly

Brushing is often the first thing people do in the morning, and for good reasons. It is recommended to brush twice a day in order to mitigate the acid and plaque buildup on the teeth. However, certain tips should be kept in mind.

The brush should be held with bristles at 45 degrees to the gum line. Also, the edges and the interiors of the teeth should be cleaned thoroughly.

2. Flossing regularly

Not every individual is familiar with the concept of the flossing, especially in the context of India. Flossing is particularly helpful to remove the food particle from between the teeth. It usually removes the dirt that even the brush and mouthwash can’t, especially food like, meat. For good oral hygiene, it is recommended to floss at least once a day.

3. Keeping the tongue clean

Brushing and flossing regularly is good, but not good enough to ensure the dental hygiene. It is essential to keep the tongue clean as well. It is recommended to use a proper tongue cleaner to remove bacteria and other particles, especially from the top surface of the tongue. Otherwise, it leads to germ build up in the mouth and may give rise to bad breath.

4. Limit the intake of caffeine and other harmful beverage

Not only alcohol, but caffeine loaded coffee and sodas also are harmful to oral health. Though arguments exist regarding the goodness of Phosphorus in these beverages, their intake amount should be watched out closely, as it may deplete the amount of calcium in the body. It can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

5. Avoid tobacco and smoking

Though giving up tobacco and smoking will help you with avoiding several diseases, but it would be particularly helpful for your teeth. It will mitigate the chances of periodontal complications and oral cancer. Also, the indirect damage to the teeth, while masking for the smells, will be limited to a great extent.

Thus, it is better to make wiser choices and follow the guidelines to ensure a healthy dental state.


For more other tips to help maintain your dental health, please go to the website.

One Comment

  1. Smoking greatly contributes to poor oral health. Brushing teeth is not enough to maintain the dental health with continuous smoking.

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