The Hypnoanalysis Technique
Hypnoanalysis is a technique by which the cause of internal conflict can be determined. People often express this conflict by showing a behavior they have developed to balance that inner emotional charge. Hypnoanalysis is an investigation and may require extensive sessions to identify and resolve the suppressed problems. Normally hypnoanalysis is not a one-session event, although much can be gained in the first session.
In many cases, a person feels freed from the first and second sessions and then decides not to continue. After a while, they return and assure that they are in the place where they were at the beginning. This process would take some time to solve the problems, and in general, the first sessions will only alleviate the pressure a patient may have experienced. The hypnotherapist must be willing to spend the time and ability necessary to penetrate deeply into the human mind.
Although hypnoanalysis allows the therapist to find the cause of a problem or an issue very quickly, he too often takes the time to force people to return. They are like reactions when a person experiences an event earlier in life. For example, the relapse of a three- or four-year-old child who returns for his birthday and sees gifts and other participants can be very interesting and harmless. However, the same hypnotherapist may refuse to use this very useful therapeutic technique to help his client with real and deep-rooted problems because he fears “overlooking the head.”
Hypnoanalysis can save valuable time as people discover and resolve emotional difficulties that they can actually physically express. A major problem in today’s accelerated society is the “pill mentality”. People seem to avoid the cause of their problems, although hypnosis or hypnoanalysis has no chemicals or harmful side effects.