Time Line Therapy
Well, there are times when we have been severely affected in the past by something or the other. At times these events get stuck to our minds in such a manner that our present and future start to get ruined by it. We start overreacting, speaking rudely, or stop talking at all at those times and places where we are not supposed to, that too unconscious of our peculiarly awkward behavior. Time Line Therapy (TLS) is a therapeutic technique which helps us gain emotional control on our lives. In order to know how it helps, visit this link for more information.
The techniques persistent about:
•To let go of the negative emotions of the past.
•To let go of the limiting decision from the past
•Create the future the way we want it to be.
The limiting decisions and benefits crush the potential of a person. So, what we do in the process is, talk about the past the person fears about out has a glitch with and sort it out, so that it completely vanishes from his/her mind and does not affect his/her further decisions.
In treating the person with having bursts of anger, periods of apathy, depression, anxiety, sadness, and chronic worry. These symptoms stop you from achieving the quality of life and creating your own future.
Many people go through time line therapy for their personal development and growth. It is a sort of brain exercise which tries to calm your unconscious mind and by and by removing all the negativity from it.
Managers, entrepreneurs, trainers, educators, mental health professionals, medical professionals use timeline therapy to improve their performances as they analyze their previous mistakes and conversations and search for the catch on where they were wrong. This methodology is being used since ages and will be used as a method for personality development in various facets of life for different people among different cultures.