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Relaxation, Stress Relief and Hypnosis

Relaxation techniques for pain relief

Relaxation techniques for pain relief

Pain can empty all the happiness of your life. Stress and pain work almost the same way. When you are in pain, your muscles and nerves are continuously stretched. It’s really important for you to relax all the muscles and nerves of your body to reduce the effects of pain.
Relaxation techniques for pain can be divided into two parts. The first part is the mental relaxation and the second part is the muscle and nerve relaxation.

Mental relaxation

Mental relaxation comes first. If you continue to think deeply, your body can never get relaxed. For this meditation is really important. Meditation will always relax you. You just have to sit calmly and relax. All the body parts will be relaxed, gradually. Deep breathing is also good for the relaxation. If you are anxious or worried, deep breathing can help you a lot. You just have to practice this before you go to sleep and you will feel less pain in the morning.

Physical relaxation yoga is one of the relaxation techniques for pain

The practice of yoga is the master key for complete physical relaxation. There are different exercises in yoga that can relax your stressed body muscles and nerves. Apart from this, for individual body parts you can apply some relaxation techniques for pain.

Shoulders: Catch your one hand by the other and move your shoulder in a circular way. This is good for the shoulder’s muscles.
Back: For back pain you can stretch the back muscles and then relax them slowly.
Hips: For hips you have to stand straight and squeeze the muscles on your hips. Then you can relax the muscles.
Legs: Just fold your legs completely and slowly unfold them.
Neck: For the neck you have to try to move it slowly from left to right and then from right to left. You can also sketch an invisible ‘8’ like form with your nose. This will relax the muscles around your nose.

With yoga and light massage, you can relax your muscles. The pain can be reduced, gradually, if you practice these relaxation techniques daily.

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