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Dry Mouth Anxiety

Dry Mouth Anxiety

It`s very important for your mouth to secrete saliva as it keeps it wet, it also cleans up your mouth and helps in food digestion. The presence of saliva in your mouth controls and restricts fungal and bacterial growth in the mouth. Dryness and discomfort are caused when the mouth has inhibited the production of saliva and this condition is referred to as dry mouth anxiety. It is medically known as xerostomia.

Consult with your nearest doctor or visit the website for more information.

Dry mouth could also cause trouble in swallowing, chewing and talking. It could also result in tooth decay caused as a result of built-up bacteria that is generally washed away by the saliva. The condition is very common particularly among smokers and many natural methods have been used to cure it.

Saliva helps in oral and dental protection since it has the ability to re-mineralize the enamel of your teeth. A decrease in the production of saliva in your mouth can result in halitosis and a rise in the number of cavities as the periodontal tissue and mucosa become very vulnerable to infections.

mouth anxietyThere are a number of reasons that could cause dry mouth and there are also a number of home remedies that you could use to alleviate the problem and restore moisture in the mouth. Conditions like Sjögren’s syndrome or diabetes could also result in the dry mouth if they are not treated properly. Other causes could include stress and anxiety, poor intake of fluids leading to dehydration, excessive breathing through the mouth, side effects of medications used to treat epilepsy or acne, intake of alcoholic beverages, damaged salivary glands caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy or simply the normal procedure of aging.

If the reason for dry mouth could be any of the causes mentioned above, you should try and eliminate the factor as much as possible and wait for any observable results. A number of times treatment has not been able to cure the condition and thus it`s suggested to follow treatment that is focusing on relieving the symptoms and reducing the danger of cavities and tooth decay in future. Given below are certain points that you must keep in your mind:

Avoid the usage of any antihistamines and decongestants. Always brush and floss after every meal. Oral hygiene is very essential. It`s important to keep your mouth clean.

One solution to cure dry mouth is to sip sugarless fluids as frequently as possible.

Use toothpaste or rinse containing fluoride to brush and clean your teeth. Sometimes dry mouth could also be caused because of excessively dry environments. Using a humidifier at night will help you breathe properly and not worsen the condition. Sometimes dry mouth anxiety could also be caused because of excessively dry environments. Using a humidifier at night will help you breathe properly and not worsen the condition.

Some other practices that may help prevent dry mouth include:

Chewing on sugar-free gum helps to keep the mouth moist Drinking sufficient amount of water

Avoid breathing from your mouth. Breath through your nose

To increase the amount of moisture in the bedroom air, a room vaporizer may be used

These are some simple and effective dry mouth remedies that you can try out for yourself at little, or no cost.

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