Stress On Body Figure

Stress can be defined as the sum of physical and mental responses caused by certain external stimuli (stressors) that allow the individual (human or animal) to overcome certain environmental demands and the physical and mental wear and tear caused by this process.
Stress has reflexes in the body. Understand! If not kept under control, stress on body figure can generate various problems in the body. See how it can affect the body and mind.
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The stress does not appear from one moment to another, it is the result of the repeated times that the organism undergoes adrenaline discharges. Numerous symptoms and varying levels of severity may appear. Usually, when it is detected, it is already affecting some organs silently. Therefore, it is important to be alert to the signs.
Stress on Body Figure
- Skin changes: Some dermatological problems (such as herpes or acne) can get worse. Early aging, for example, can also accelerate.
- Psychological effects: in addition to chronic headaches, coping with stressful situations can often lead to irritability, moodiness and even depression.
- Stomach: in situations of great tension, it can occur the secretion of a greater amount of gastric juice in the organism. Thus, the organ becomes more sensitive and appear the pain, heartburn or burning. Among the complications that may arise are gastritis and ulcers.
- Heart: pay attention to chest pains. Angina attacks, caused by narrowing of the arteries, can lead to heart attacks and coronary lesions. In addition, stress can also cause hypertension.
- Intestine: frequent diarrhea, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation may also be common signs.
- Obesity: stress can lead to binge eating and lead to weight gain. With the lack of control, it can progress to obesity.
- Muscle pains: usually in the back and cervical region, are intimately tied to the feeling of tiredness.
Stress is something normal and everyone goes through. It may even be beneficial because it is what makes us go after what we want and need with some degree of satisfaction. However, when it stays for a long time or becomes excessive, it becomes harmful.
Therefore, we can understand that living with stress only becomes a problem from the moment it is excessive and, with the right treatments, living in society can return to normal.
To relieve stress, the patient may try some of these tips:
- Work out! Try to start with a walk, it is the best way to relieve stress;
- Writing what bothers you, may help you feel more relieved;
- Expressing feelings, keeping them to oneself is almost never beneficial;
- Finding a hobby, doing something you enjoy can help you relax;
- Learning how to relax the body, can include breathing exercises, massage, yoga, among other methods;
- Focusing on the now, this can occur with meditation, hypnosis, listening to calm songs and even laughing.