Post Menopause Symptoms Anxiety

Many hormonal changes are occurring in a woman’s body after menopause. These changes can be psychological as well as physical symptoms. Some of the physical symptoms of menopause are hot flushes and irregularity in periods. Physical symptoms can be bearable like the breast pain during menopause, but sometimes the psychological symptoms could become unbearable.
You may find yourself experiencing some of the symptoms in the mid-late 40s. The feeling of anxiety and nervousness are the most common symptoms of menopause. Here is a list of some of the post menopause symptoms anxiety:
Panic attacks
- Cramps
- Feeling of
- Feeling of confusion
- Lack of confidence
- Some sudden fears and phobias
- Feeling of Irritability
- Very often mood swings
- Feeling of helplessness
There are many psychological symptoms which could be related to physical symptoms and due to the common hormonal changes. If you learn and manage the physical symptoms, then you surely could alleviate your psychological symptoms. The hormone that makes you wake up at night could cause you night sweats and insomnia which would result in making you feel tired, vulnerable and anxious on the next day.
Post Menopause Anxiety symptoms are prevalent and talking about it openly is not something which you should be shy about. You would feel happy with small-small day-to-day happenings.
Here are a few of the suggestions:
- Talking with friends is the best thing you could do to stay relieved from the irritation and the problems you might be facing
- You should consider doing exercise and yoga to keep your mind focused on something else.
- Work on yourself and spend some quality time with yourself instead of always thinking about what’s going on around you.
- Deal with your emotional issues from the past and present to get relieved from it and get your focus away from the anxiety.