How much does sleep dentistry cost?

Is it possible to go to sleep, or at least relax while in a dental appointment? If you are anxious about procedures, then sleep dentistry exists to calm your nerves. This article will cover how much sleep dentistry cost usually is. Also a dentist in Chatswood at Boutique Dental Care clinic explains sleep dentistry benefits.
What is sleep dentistry?
Sleep dentistry, or sedation dentistry, is meant to make the dental procedure more bearable for the patient. The word “sleep” is used, but then that is not entirely accurate because the patient will not be unconscious with sleep or sedation dentistry. They will be half-awake, with the exception of patients who choose to be put under general anesthesia.
Patients do not generally need to be put to under sedation during a dental procedure. However, for patients that are anxious about going to the dentist, they have the option of being sedated while the procedure is being done. It can be difficult for these patients to stay still and calm during the procedure, so being sedated will help calm them down enough to have the procedure done.
Many people would choose to avoid going to the dentist just because they would be afraid or anxious about the procedure. A routine tooth cleaning may be enough to scare a person from not going to their dental appointment if they are anxious about going to the dentist. This is where sleep dentistry comes in.
How much is the cost?
The cost for sleep dentistry can range from $150 to over $500 depending on how sedated you want to be. Mild sedation would be cheaper, and prices would rise as you reach “twilight” sedation. Insurance will not cover the cost of sedation dentistry because it is considered a luxury. The same rationale would be applied to teeth whitening or other procedures that would be done for cosmetic purposes. However, insurance companies would cover the costs of procedures that would be deemed to be medically necessary. Insurance will cover general anesthesia for instances like this.
Although general anesthesia is not technically considered to be a type of sedation, this is what the insurance companies would most likely cover if you would need to be unconscious for the procedure. You must talk to your dentist as well as a representative who works at your insurance provider’s office to check what your insurance would cover in terms of sedation and general anesthesia before moving forward with any decisions.
Is sleep dentistry safe?
Although there will always be some risk associated with anesthesia and sedation, if your dentist is experienced, you need not worry. Sedation dentistry is safe. If you will be choosing to be under general anesthesia for the procedure, both to keep calm and have insurance cover the cost, talk to your dentist about the possible risks. They will explain to you the process, how much time you will be unconscious and they will answer any questions you might have about sleep dentistry cost.