Anxiety Disorders Affect Dental Health

Anxiety disorders such as phobias, stress disorders, and panic attacks are an issue that is becoming more apparent in modern day society. We’re starting to create a better understanding of these disorders and how to treat them but there are still many implications and aspects that we don’t have a full understanding of yet. One of these lesser known aspects of mental disorders is how they affect oral health. Dr Jack Bella Vista Dentist team are here for more info regarding concerns on oral health.
A correlation can be found between various oral health-related issues and anxiety disorders. People with anxiety disorders are more prone to a variety of oral health problems such as canker sores, dry mouth, mouth ulcers and other issues. Although there are no direct ways in which anxiety disorders affect oral health, there are various indirect reasons as to why this happens.
First of all, people suffering from anxiety disorders could be in a state of mind where they forego brushing altogether. Brushing is an integral part of maintaining good oral health and is part of a daily routine for most of the population. Anxiety disorders often disrupt daily routines which means that brushing teeth takes a backseat in their lives. Once people stop brushing their teeth in a daily manner oral health-related issues are often fast to arrive.
Another reason that has an impact on these statistics is the medication that people have to take. Some people suffering from anxiety disorders are not able to function in daily life without medicine that keeps their mental health in check. A lot of medicine has negative side effects depending on the medicine as well as the patient. Some of these side effects are directly related to oral hygiene, such as reducing the amount of saliva that the body is able to produce.
Lastly, there are phobias that prevent people from visiting the dentist or other health-related institutions, such as a phobia for needles or dental fear. These phobias are common in society but are often seen as non-serious issues even though they are detrimental to not just oral health but your body’s health in general.
If your oral health is affected by an anxiety disorder, please do not hesitate to go into discussion with your dentist to ensure the best oral health for you going forward. If you’re on medication, details on the medication you use and how it affects you can also be of use to your dentist. The dentists at Finesse Dental near Blacktown are committed to providing the best oral health for their patients and thus informing them on issues affecting your dental health can be of great benefit to you.