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Relaxation, Stress Relief and Hypnosis

Guide For Deep Sleep Hypnosis

Guide For Deep Sleep Hypnosis

When you begin to practice self-deep sleep hypnosis on a daily basis, you will find that it easy to do, and that you will sink into a deep relaxed state without effort.

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Simple step-by-step guide to help you go in and out of hypnosis

By adapting it you will find what works best for you. It might seem hard to take in at first, but the more you practice the easier it will become.

Remember, you can use this technique to improve confidence, lose weight and stop smoking etc. All you have to do is change the wording when using suggestions and affirmations. Ok, let’s begin:

Step 1: You may want to prepare some affirmations before you actually begin the practice, so that you know the purpose of the session. You may also want to decide your time limit and decide how you want to feel afterwards. By preparing, you will be able to relax more easily and find the session more beneficial.

Step 2: Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit down with your hands on your thighs and begin to relax. Adjust yourself so that you are sitting comfortable, you may want to roll your shoulders back a few times if they’re feeling tense. Once you’re comfortable close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly, deeply and evenly.

Step 3: State your goal, for example tell yourself ‘I’m going into self-hypnosis to overcome insomnia’. Then tell yourself how you will attain this goal ‘During this session I will allow my unconscious mind to make the necessary adjustments to help me overcome insomnia.’ By doing this it will help you to focus your mind on the objective. When using your internal voice, remember to use a calm and soothing voice.

sleep hypnosisStep 4: Tell yourself how you want to feel when you come out of self-hypnosis ‘In 15 minutes I’m going to feel refreshed, alert and energized’ or if you decide to do it before bedtime tell yourself ‘In 15 minutes time I’m going to feel sleepy, relaxed and ready to sleep’. Now tell yourself (counting on each exhalation) ‘On the count of 3 you will be in a deep sleep hypnosis.

Step 5: Now imagine and feel that with each exhalation, a wave of relaxation running down from your head to your toes. Feel your muscles relax more and more with each wave, and feel any tension and stress release from your mind and body.

You then want to begin using suggestion to deepen this state of relaxation. You may want to prepare a script, but it’s not necessary for example ‘With each breath you are becoming more and more relaxed…Feel your mind drift into deeper and deeper relaxation’ (you may want to imagine yourself standing in front or beside you, hypnotizing yourself).

Then beginning at your head, use suggestion to relax each area of your body ‘Feel your forehead relax…Your eyelids are heavy and tired….Your jaw feels loose and relaxed…..Feel your muscles in your neck relax….you feel sleepy and tired.’ You want to continue this until you reach your toes, and when you do, you should feel deeply relaxed all over. Don’t worry about using a script word for word, feel free to ad-lib and use what’s best for you.

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