Clinical Hypnosis In Orthodontics

Hypnosis is a method of inducing a dream-like state of relaxation to the mind. It’s also known as hypnotherapy, and its role in orthodontics can’t be underestimated. It helps to change the attitude, perception, and behaviors of patients during dental procedures. This results in reduced anxiety which a common problem that orthodontist come across when handling patients. Therefore, less medication is used. Hypnosis can occur naturally on a daily basis.
Such instances include:
√Concentrating on a task to the extent of losing track of time.
√Doing a duty while thinking about something else.
The role of clinical hypnosis is to induce such relaxation state through therapeutic suggestions. There are several techniques which can be employed in orthodontics to produce such altered state of consciousness. They include:
•Use of imaginative techniques
•Use of relaxation techniques
•Use of hypnosis audiotapes
Hypnosis in dental procedures portrays some benefits as compared to the use of chemical anesthesia. It prevents patients from chemical numbness that causes discomfort and speech problems. It also helps reduce the anxiety exhibited by patients when they see dental tools like needles.
When is hypnosis used in orthodontics?
Clinical hypnosis in orthodontics is used to curb situations like:
- Gagging
Most patients gag as soon as anything is inserted in their mouth. A hypnotic procedure to counter this hurdle is to ask the patient to hold a pencil or a pen in their hands gently. Also, the orthodontist can authoritatively instruct the patient to look directly into his or her eyes for a particular time thus reducing the need to gag.
- Phobia and anxiety
Dental patients experience anxiety issues to the extent of being sleepless, experiencing cramps and lacking appetite. Hypnosis is used to reduce such stress. It can be done by impressing something on the patient thus reducing his or her anxiety during the dental procedure.
- Salivation
Excess salivation can make it hard to carry out dental procedures. An orthodontist can suggest to the patient that saliva will dry up for a limited time. This will lessen saliva flow.
- Oral bleeding
Bleeding during teeth extraction can be reduced by suggesting to the patient that blood flow will stop or reduce for some hours.