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Home Remedies For Mouth Sores From Stress

Home Remedies For Mouth Sores From Stress

It can be very discomforting to suffer from canker sores. While sores are not really serious health concerns, it can bring so much discomfort and pain especially when you want to eat or drink. This is why you should find out how to take care of sores immediately.

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Many of us get confused with cold sores and mouth sores. It’s true that both of these are lesions in the mouth. However, cold sores are contagious. The mouth sore is not infectious. Cold sores are caused by a strain of herpes virus, which can be contracted by another person through physical contact. Mouth sores, on the other hand, are viral or may be caused by oral trauma. It goes away without treatment even without applying treatments.

How to Get Rid of Mouth Sores

mouth soreIf you are searching for remedies, you may use these treatment options and treatments to feel treated.

  • One of the best procedures is by buying over the counter medications like ointments and liquids in local drug stores. Those remedies with a numbing agent like benzocaine can aid alleviate the pain of experiencing this problem. However, be sure that you stick to the suggested number of times you need to apply this solution. It can be toxic if you apply these cures too often.
  • On the bright side, there are more all-natural ways on how to eliminate sores. The right one of these is to rinse your mouth with salt water solution. Take a glass of warm water and mix in one tablespoon of salt. You may also put in baking soda to fully experience the efficiency of this medication.
  • Plum juice is another method. Add 2 tablespoons of plum juice in a glass. Use it as a mouthwash and swish your mouth with it for a few seconds. Or, you may put some juice in a cotton ball and dab it onto your sores.
  • Applying tea bag on your sores is another effective remedy. Tea has a natural tannic acid (which aids in giving pain relief). It may significantly help you on how to eliminate sores by making use of the tea bag on your lesion.
  • Changing your toothpaste can also be an effective remedy. Toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) may cause sores in some patients. It’s the foaming ingredient used in most manufacturers of toothpaste. To prevent this problem, change to a brand with no SLS.

How to Get Rid of a Mouth Sore Clinically

A mouth sore generally goes away without treatment after several days. But if your condition is recurring and lasts for more than three weeks, it can be a sign of oral cancer or another serious disease. Ensure you talk with a medical professional.

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